
QML - Create Your Own Adventure

Name Topic Used in Type
value States number attribute
The value of the number, like "50". You can use operators like "+" and "-" to handle calculations. For example, "10 + [a] * (2 / [b])" is a valid calculation.

Number operators
+ Sum a number value="[a] + 4"
- Subtract a number value="[a] - 3"
* Multiply a number value="[a] * [b]"
/ Divide a number value="[a] / 2"
^ Raise a number to the power of an exponent value="[a] ^ 2"
<text>You see a big treasure and stuff yourself
   with 50 gold coins.

<state name="treasureChestEmpty" />
<number name="gold" value="[gold] + 50" />
<choice station="back">Close treasure chest</choice>